Monday, May 15, 2006

Haiku! Gesundheit.

Once again, I can't pass up a haiku marathon of viewer-contributed 5/7/5 goodness, although he does request that we add an intentional extra syllable. Scandalous! Not sure what a 'senryuu' is, but 'haiku' is music to my ears. Watch for my entry. I'm under, well, "gordon". The one who links back here anyway.

(Or to save you the trouble of looking, here's what I wrote:)

Seven and ten beats
are hardly enough to tell
how badly I can't count.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Haiku Meets The Fib

the best
twenty beats
I have ever seen
in the name of Fibonacci.

For me, few things beat my favorite three: the haiku, the limerick, and the free verse. But give fibs a try. Somewhat like the haiku, these are structured by syllable according to the start of the Fibonacci sequence. 1,1,2,3,5,8.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Ohhhh Snap!

Oh hey. My limerick made it to "best of the fest"! Yay.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Can't Pass on a Green Limerick

I couldn't pass on a limerick competition in the name of St. Pat. Look for my entry.

The rule was a limerick with rhymes with "Dubai" and "hegemony". I sent one that looks something like this...

I once saw a rhyme for Dubai.
But the moment was short, it flew by.
So on to "hegemony"
Which rhymes with "anemone"
And that's all there is, so goodbye.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

First post!

I'm overpunctuated. Welcome to the Lime Squeeze. All the other names were taken.